
Hello and thank you for taking the time to visit our website and read our blog. As you may, or may not, be aware Ross Parry Dentist has undergone some changes.

Dr Parry has sold his practice and is easing his way into retirement. When we first met Ross we were so taken by his easy-going nature, wise words and his passion for the dental profession, his practice, and his patients. He was ready to sell his practice, and we were ready to buy it.

So who are we? We are Mishari and Kathryn Al-Dhafeeri. Yes, that is a mouthful, but here is our background and how we came to be writing this blog.

Mishari was born in England, Kathryn north of the border in Scotland. After growing up in Kuwait, in the Middle East, Mish returned to the UK, this time to Glasgow to study dentistry. Kathryn, having grown up South of Glasgow, and not travelling far to go to Uni, found this exotic man an exciting prospect indeed!


Wedding day – Mishari in a kilt. Photo by G. Wilson Photography


We both graduated with dental degrees in 2008 and were married four years later. Mish completed a course in dental implants at Cambridge and started a Masters degree through King’s College London. He was, and still is, keen to learn more and improve his dentistry every day. After having both worked in hospitals and general practices in Scotland, England and Wales we decided we needed a new adventure…

And here we are. We arrived in Brisbane in 2015, loved it immediately and made the decision to settle here.


Mishari felt theperfect fit with Ross, as they both have a passion for the same type of dentistry and share the same views on quality and further learning. We feel, for this reason, we can offer the same level of care and attention you have been used to with Ross.

I (Kathryn) have enjoyed getting more involved in the managerial side and the general running of the practice. I’m also putting down the tools and getting involved in this new role. We look forward to bringing the practice forward with new technologies and ideas.

The first is this shiny new website and we look forward to bringing you regular blogs on many different topics. We would love for you to get involved, and if there are any topics you want us to explore, please let us know. We have a new email address, or you can reach out via Facebook or Instagram.

If we haven’t seen you already, we can’t wait to welcome you into the practice and get to know you better.

If you would like to read further.